40 Years of Experience

ERISA Fiduciary Compliance Lawyer

What is Fiduciary Compliance in Relation to ERISA?

Man With Pencil Pointing At Big ClipBoardThe Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 is a federal employment law which protects individuals participating in retirement plans, such as 401(k), profit sharing and pension plans. ERISA fiduciary compliance sets minimum guidelines and standards, aimed at protecting employees working in private sector industries.

Generally, an ERISA compliant retirement plan would include:

When a participant feels a plan administrator has not exercised proper fiduciary responsibilities, ERISA regulatory law allows individuals to sue for breach of fiduciary duty.

Employer Fiduciary Liability

Who are Employers?

Employers who provide retirement plans also carry a fiduciary responsibility because they are considered the plan’s sponsor. While employment retirement plans are generally provided by a third-party company, an employer still needs a trustee to maintain the daily operation or upkeep of a plan.

Sometimes the company owner will act as the trustee, other times, companies may delegate this responsibility to a human resources department or internal committee. Typically, someone with financial expertise should be appointed as a trustee.

What is Fiduciaries Liability for Employers?

When sponsoring a retirement plan, employers have a responsibility to review the benefits, fees, investment choices, or other plan services to make sure employees receive the best plan at a fair cost. A company offering a retirement plan to an employee with excessive fees or a poor investment portfolio may be at risk for lawsuits under ERISA. Furthermore, employers should also survey multiple potential providers before choosing a plan. This research and information should be documented to prove that an employer has made a thorough and meaningful effort to select the right retirement plan for its employees.

Next, an employer’s fiduciary compliance liability involves actively reviewing and updating the offered retirement plan with any changes that arise and notifying employees of those changes.

Investments Adviser Fiduciary Liability

Who are Investment Advisers?

An investment adviser is any individual or group which makes financial recommendations in exchange for a fee. Investment advisers are plan fiduciaries, meaning they fulfill a responsibility to act in the best interests of their clients.

The Investment Advisers Act of 1940 was a response to the Great Depression. After reviewing investment trusts and companies, the Securities and Exchange Commission or (SEC) developed a report warning against bad or abusive investment advisers and calling for a way to regulate individuals or groups who provide investment advice.

Qualifying as an Investment Adviser

When determining who is considered an investment adviser, consider these three questions:

What Does Investment Advisor Liability Involve?

Investment advisers who have discretion or authority over another’s private assets are potentially liable. According to the SEC, this includes providing full and accurate disclosure of information an investor would consider reasonably important. This also involves obvious duties, like not misleading clients, avoiding conflicts of interest, or using a client’s assets and investments for the advisor’s own gain.

Independent Trustee Fiduciary Liability

Who are Independent Trustees?

Two People Studying a Transactions GraphVirtually every qualified retirement plan has appointed a trustee. They are responsible for upholding the plan investments and acting in the best interests of participants. They make decisions on contributions, distributions, records, accounting, and eligibility. If any grievances are issued, they are typically notified first.

Trustees are appointed by the retirement plan sponsor, usually the employer. Not all trustees are individuals, some are banks or insurance companies. For financial institutions acting as a trustee, they may take direction from the plan sponsor before making certain decisions.

What is Independent Trustee Fiduciary Liability?

In terms of retirement incentive plans, independent trustees have duties to manage and administer a retirement plan in compliance with ERISA fiduciary, including:

If a trustee does not comply with the responsibilities, requirements, or obligations set by ERISA fiduciaries, the trustee is responsible for financial losses as a result of that breach. Additionally, the Department of Labor can impose a civil penalty depending on the outcome of a court settlement.

How Can Pension Lawyers Help with ERISA Fiduciary Liability Cases?

With more than 40 years of experience engaging in ERISA fiduciary liability legal cases, Pension Lawyers understands the complexities and intricacies involving retirement plans.

Our office represents plan Committees and fiduciaries (ERISA fiduciaries) with the administration of retirement plans.

Contact the ERISA Fiduciary Compliance Lawyers at Brucker & Morra today to learn more about our legal services.

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